Minggu, 29 November 2020

Shoujo Manga: Nanoka No Kare

Ya, OK maaf bahasa inggrisnya kacau, semoga kalau ada yang baca ga keberatan.. 

It's been a long time since I read the last manga, I don't even remember what I read last time either. 

I was thinking I'm already adult, so I don't really attached to manga for the last few years. Losing temptation for reading it. Then pandemic came to this world, trying to be busy since I got no job. Kind of sad. But why don't I try to get adventurous while being at home? 

Today I just finished a manga called "Nanoka No Kare" or some other says "Nano Hana No Kare"

and I just realized what manga means to me. I think I'm able to feel happy, sad, exciting, and various kind of feeling since my life kind of boring. I don't say I'm unhappy, just my life has become more colorful. 

The sad thing is, all of the character is not real, all those cool guys and cute girls T_T

First of all, I can say this manga is over exaggerating, non sense, unrealistic, stupid for some people, so if you already read it and you don't like please just read until here :)


Back to the manga, I don't know if it's a review or synopsis, just beware of spoilers!

Author: Tekkotsu Saro
Artist: Toumori Miyoshi

So the story is about a high school girl, Nanoka Ayase who had no boyfriend since her two other friends is talking much about their relationship. Nanoka had a terrible memories from the last relationship when she was in middle school. 

He had a boyfriend, Takato Uesugi, a handsome and  popular but has a strange aura and unreachable, so he doesn't have much friends. Takato like Nanoka a lot. Once he confessed and they going out. The reason she accept his feeling is because Takato is the first guy who ask her, and hoping someday she will love him back by the time. In that relationship, Nanoka is trying to be a good girlfriend, but in her eyes she always making Takato mad all the time. She thinks that she made him feels irritated. It's made her sad. After in a coincidence Nanoka found out that Takato was talking behind her back, she was trying to avoid Takato until they graduated and get in to the different high school. And that's how it ends.

One day Nanoka is sitting in a cafe, and she heard there was a couple break up right behind her. She heard that the guy was so gently and calm facing the girl, he even says to his friend that he got dumped but it wasn't. She never got that treatment from her boyfriend in the past. Nanoka just think what a nice guy, and maybe it would be her preferences of her boyfriend in the future. He noticing his name is Hayaka (lately known as Hayata Kiriyama).

As a shoujo manga should be. IN A COINCIDENCE, Nanoka met again with Hayata, and right after he passed her, she just turn around and ask, "Do you want to go out with me?"
His friend is just so noisy to talk how cute Nanoka is, and force to accept her confessions. But wisely Hayata said he just break up recently and don't want to get in to a relationship yet. Nanoka understand it but still ask him to keep her contact. 
By the time, they realized that they want to know more about each other.

One day Nanoka is being trapped and harassed by her friend's boyfriend. Suddenly there is Takato trying to help her from that bastard. Nanoka truly thanked for Takato, but her terrible memories with Takato seems bothering her, so she immediately leave. Before she leaves, Takato forcefully kiss her on the lips. Nanoka is angry and scared, then run away. 

For Takato, their relationship was never ending with Nanoka. They never end their relationship, there was no break up. He only sees Nanoka. He wanted to start again. 
So he kissed Nanoka, just want to tied her, he was hoping it would be the beginning. 
After a while, Nanoka decide to meeting Takato, she just want to make it clear that they already break up, and she wanted to move on. 

In the cafe, Nanoka is not being the old her who always scared and runaway. Takato a bit surprised, she talks bravely and said that their relationship was only a sad memories. She told him how she was always the one who tried to build conversations. She took all Takato's harsh, and always feel a bad thing as her faults. But now she finds somebody else who makes her bravely saying like this and he is totally the opposite of him. 

Takato surprised and just realized that his relationship memories was totally different on Nanoka's perception. He always mad because he didn't know what to say and overthinking about what he must do, end up saying bad things to Nanoka, he also want to look cool in front of her. He never realized that Nanoka's silence was because she scared him to be mad. He never saw Nanoka wanted to ask anything and this is the first time he saw Nanoka wanted something and say it clearly. She wanted it to be over. He become totally quiet facing the truth Nanoka said, he even thought maybe he could start over again with Nanoka, he wasn't ready to hear all of that. 

In the end, Takato still trying to get Nanoka. He couldn't think no more except the way he threatened her by their kiss the other day. But Nanoka still leaving and say its over.

Nanoka never want Hayata to know it, cause it's just only make him sad or worries. Then they continues to getting along together happily while observe their true feeling for each other.  
Nanoka didn't know that Takato always had his eyes for her, to protect her. (Well it is not stalking or something creepy, still Takato is creepy tough).

You really have to read it by yourself. It has 84 chapter.

Warning Spoiler!

This manga is making me feel frustrated. It's really complicated, I can't really choose between two of them. They both deserved happiness in the end of the story. After finish my last chapter, I can't choose to play love song or sad song. It's November now and the sky is soooo dark, like understand what I'm feeling. 

I just realized that Nanoka is making the condition messed up, almost all the time, that's made a lot of fans out there a little mad for Nanako. Everyone has their fault of course. The first Nanako's fault that the reason she accept his feeling is JUST because Takato is the first guy who ask her, and hoping someday she will love him back by the time. 

Hayata is planning to move to US and continued his studied there, and he promise always keep contact with Nanoka and remembering all of their time together. Well Hayata has always been sweet to Nanoka. And Nanoka wanted to promise to waiting for him. (I'm not so sure since there's a lot can be happen in years, remembering there's still Takato)

In the middle of the story the was a new antagonist who will ruined up everything, ruined that the three main character's life. And made Nanako loss her half memories. What I don't like is that Hayata is leaving Nanako to US (well its already planned though), since she can't remember who he is. Her friend was always told that she loved Hayata so much but she couldn't remember at all. So they giving up and letting Nanako happy by it's own.

 And here is Takato facing Nanako with her problems, it's always Takato who stand by her side at the beginning. For the last 2 years next Takato getting close to Nanako and thank God he did experiencing to become Nanako's real boyfriend, they laugh, hug, and kiss.

At this point, Takato didn't feel right. He think that he should won Nanako's heart without being cowardly. He got his second chance after Nanako loss her memories. Until one day Hayata back to Japan and COINCIDENCE met with Nanako. She doesn't remember, but she knew it was Hayata the one that her friends always talked about. Well they chat a while and letting go, wishing happiness for each other. Bla bla bla.. Nanako's memories back while in the other side Hayata is realizing too that he couldn't let her go, she was precious to him. Thanks to Takako taking care of Nanako for the last two years T_T 

I think I'm on Takato's side. At least I'm hoping that Takato in the end finally meeting someone new that makes him laugh and see the world differently. Because Takato is the one who always watching Nanoka from the start even her heart was never belong to him. Well there's a time when Takato is happily with Nanoka, I feel happy reading that scene. Some other side, Takato is such a toxic guy but transformed perfectly at the end of manga. He let go Nanako while taking hurt inside his heart. I'm inserting the heartbreaking picture of him below T_T

I think if Nanoka choose Hayata, that just a normal story and I think if it's a real life, everyone would choose Hayata. He's more warm and easy to going with. But Takato is in a different level in loving, his love is sooooooo warm he would never let anything hurt Nanoka. He just can't understand how peoples is showing their love. At the end of the story I can see how Takato is growing and become wise, I think that he changed because of Nanoka. He is more calming and loving, and he let Nanoka go because of his heart, not because he lose from Hayata. 

Sometimes I feel like Hayata can become more dangerous to Nanoka (Sorry for Hayata's fans). He even feel like rushed to Nanoka and doesn't really observed her. Takato was always observed Nanoka, and he also helped Nanoka's friendship, remember when Nanoka being bullied by all of the student, Takato was always protecting.
But still Takato did a scary things too to her, that makes me believe he may hurt Nanoka again.

Moral of the story:
You can't turn back time, it is no use to say, "If I just did bla bla bla might be It should'nt have to be like this". So if you are struggling for something now, please do your best, if you lose or failed then you won't be regret that much, you did your best. 

If you wanted to say, just say it, you might fix something like relationship, you might prevent someone from broken heart, you might find your true love.

If you hurt from your past, it's okay to move on, someone is waiting for you. Always have a dream, chase it.